As anticipation builds for the upcoming film “Piggy,” we take a closer look at the talented crew behind the scenes who are working diligently to bring this project to life. Led by a visionary director and supported by a team of skilled professionals, “Piggy” promises to captivate audiences with its unique storytelling and immersive cinematic experience. Let’s meet the key members of the crew:
Matt Norman
Sabella Sugar
Bec Ware
David Hirschfelder
Dan Maxwell
Sean Dennis
Todd Embling
Oliver Tummel
Maria Nasrallah
Robert Rogers
Karen Alloy
Paul Kiely
Liza Dennis
Susan Mitchell
Nick Myall
Brian Jones
As the highly anticipated film “Piggy” takes shape, an ensemble of talented actors has been assembled to bring the intriguing characters to life. With their diverse backgrounds and exceptional acting skills, this cast promises to deliver captivating performances that will resonate with audiences. Let’s meet the key members of the cast:
Coming Soon
Aaron Jeffery
Robert Morgan
Steve Le Marquand
Pippa Grandison
Inez Demirceviren
Charlie Norman
Erin Connor
Niobe Ryu
Declan Eden
Joe Appleton
Izzy Farrah
Lucy Leviston
Part of the cast are those in the drama class in the film. These characters may not have a lot of lines but will be featured in the entire film as part of our teenage drama class.